Day 7: Tulane University
May 1,2023 /

The 2023 AANA Traveling Fellows bid farewell to Phoenix as they travel to their third and final site visit, Tulane University in New Orleans. A big thank you to former AANA Traveling Fellow Kostas Economopoulos, M.D. for taking the Traveling Fellows to the airport. The luggage Tetris is much easier to figure out the second time around! They make a quick stop in Houston but unfortunately did not have enough time to take a dip in the pool of Theodore Shybut, M.D., FAANA. From left: Theodore Shybut, M.D., FAANA, Peter Vezeridis, M.D., Kostas Economopoulos, M.D., Catherine Hui, M.D., Albert Gee, M.D. and Nicholas Sgaglione, M.D.

A quick flight from Houston to New Orleans and the 2023 AANA Traveling Fellows are greeted by a live band in the MSY Airport (voted the best airport in North America in 2022!). From left: Albert Gee, M.D., FAANA, Catherine Hui, M.D., Nicholas Sgaglione, M.D., Theodore Shybut, M.D., FAANA and Peter Vezeridis, M.D.

The 2023 AANA Traveling Fellows are picked up by Melvin who delivers them safely to their hotel near Bourbon Street. From left: Catherine Hui, M.D., Peter Vezeridis, M.D., Albert Gee, M.D., FAANA, Limo Driver Melvin, Theodore Shybut, M.D., FAANA and Nicholas Sgaglione, M.D.

The 2023 AANA Traveling Fellows went for a quick run together around the Mississippi River to stretch their travel legs and see the city. Clockwise from left: Catherine Hui, M.D., Peter Vezeridis, M.D., Theodore Shybut, M.D. and Albert Gee, M.D., FAANA.

The 2023 AANA Traveling Fellows enjoy an iced Irish coffee together in downtown New Orleans. Clockwise from left: Catherine Hui, M.D., Theodore Shybut, M.D., FAANA, Albert Gee, M.D., FAANA and Peter Vezeridis, M.D.

Meanwhile, Godfather Nicholas Sgaglione, M.D. (far right) catches up on some MLB on Bourbon Street before a delicious meal at Oceana Grill, which included some of New Orleans’ finest delicacies: shucked oysters, deep-fried oysters, gator tails and duck.