Day 9: Stanford University School of Medicine
May 17,2022 /

Site Host Seth Sherman, M.D. shares his knowledge on tibial tubercle osteotomy techniques with the 2022 AANA Traveling Fellows. From left: Maj. Travis Dekker, M.D., Brian Lau, M.D., Seth Sherman, M.D., Michael Zacchilli, M.D. and Harris Slone, M.D., FAANA.

2022 AANA Traveling Fellow Michael Zacchilli, M.D. lectures to the other 2022 AANA Traveling Fellows and site hosts on the utility of social media in developing an orthopaedic practice.

2022 AANA Traveling Fellow Brian Lau, M.D. shows off his vertical for a demo in the Stanford human performance lab.

2022 AANA Traveling Fellows, Godfather Robert Hunter, M.D. and Site Host Seth Sherman, M.D. tour the Stanford campus and football stadium. From left: Maj Travis Dekker, M.D., Brian Lau, M.D., Robert Hunter, M.D., Michael Zacchilli, M.D., Seth Sherman, M.D., Harris Slone, M.D., FAANA and a Stanford tour guide.

The 2022 AANA Traveling Fellows, Godfather Robert Hunter, M.D. and Site Host Seth Sherman, M.D. check out the Stanford hall of champions! Behind every great athletics program is a great medical team. From left: Stanford tour guide, Harris Slone, M.D., FAANA, Robert Hunter, M.D., Brian Lau, M.D., Seth Sherman, M.D., Maj. Travis Dekker, M.D. and Michael Zacchilli, M.D.