Day 6: Southern California Orthopedic Institute (SCOI)
May 16,2022 /

2022 AANA Traveling Fellows learn techniques for shoulder instability from current AANA President Mark Getelman, M.D., FAANA.

Current and former AANA Traveling Fellowship Godfathers Robert Hunter, M.D. and Steven Snyder, M.D. provide tips and encouragement to current AANA President Mark Getelman, M.D.

Richard Ferkel, M.D. demonstrates his techniques for tendoscopy and ankle arthroscopy to the 2022 AANA Traveling Fellows.

Stephen Snyder, M.D. and Joe Rawling, M.D. demonstrate the SCOI row technique to the 2022 AANA Traveling Fellows.

Stephen Snyder, M.D. shares stories and lessons learned to 2022 AANA Traveling Fellows Maj. Travis Dekker, M.D., Harris Slone, M.D. and Brian Lau, M.D.

Stephen Snyder, M.D. shares stories and lessons learned to 2022 AANA Traveling Fellows Maj. Travis Dekker, M.D., Harris Slone, M.D. and Brian Lau, M.D.

2022 AANA Traveling Fellows and Godfather Robert Hunter, M.D. with Stephen Snyder, M.D. and Mark Getelman, M.D., FAANA at the end of a great OR day of tips and tricks. From left: Michael Zacchilli, M.D., Maj. Travis Dekker, M.D., Brian Lau, M.D., Mark Getelman, M.D., FAANA, Stephen Snyder, M.D., Robert Hunter, M.D. and Harris Slone, M.D., FAANA.

2022 AANA Traveling Fellows and Godfather Robert Hunter, M.D. with SCOI faculty and fellows at dinner after a great day in OR.