Day 3: University of Utah Orthopaedic Center
May 11,2022 /

Travis Maak, M.D. taking 2022 AANA Traveling Fellow Harris Slone, M.D. through one of his favorite procedures learning tips and tricks on how to optimize a lateral meniscus transplant.

Robert Burks, M.D. and Godfather Robert Hunter, M.D. exchange ideas on how to do the best BTB ACL.

Robert Burks, M.D. imparts his knowledge and wisdom while holding court in the beautiful University of Utah Orthopaedic Center facilities.

A wonderful night with our generous hosts Steve Aoki, M.D. and Travis Maak, M.D. – empty plates and satisfied customers.

One last hurrah with the esteemed faculty from the University of Utah Orthopaedic Center. Thank you for your generosity and kindness!