
AANA proudly collaborates with the following societies in an effort to support our mission of advancing the art and science of arthroscopy and minimally invasive surgery:


Asociación Española de  Artroscopia (AEA)

Spanish Arthroscopy Association



Asociación Mexicana de Cirugía Reconstructiva Articular y Artroscopía (AMECRA)

Mexican Association of Articular Reconstructive Surgery and Arthroscopy



Gesellschaft für Arthroskopie und Gelenkchirurgie (AGA)

Society for Arthroscopy and Joint-Surgery; Zurich, Switzerland












La Sociedad Latinoamericana de Artroscopía, Reconstrucción Articular y Trauma Deportivo (SLARD)

Latin American Society of Arthroscopy, Joint Reconstruction and Sports Trauma

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