
Delivering high-quality and cutting-edge education is at the core of AANA; it aids the mission to advance the art and science of arthroscopy and minimally invasive surgery so your patients receive exceptional care. Access innovative and thought-provoking content through a variety of learning platforms; including personalized lab training, online education, virtual webinars and live meetings.

AANA Learning Center

Access cutting-edge content right at your fingertips with AANA Learning Center.


Choose from a variety of peer-reviewed programs including self-assessment programs, online CME, customized question banks and educational videos so that you’re acquiring the knowledge you need now.


Take a look at some of the latest offerings below:


If you’ve already purchased programs, access them here: AANA Education Online.

In-Person Education

Attend feature sessions and lectures while establishing connections with colleagues both old and new with AANA live meetings. Each live meeting opportunity features updates on the latest trends and research in orthopaedic surgery and arthroscopy.

Lab Courses and Skills Training

Experience advanced instruction in an intimate, small-group setting with AANA Lab Courses. Each course includes transformative lectures, live demonstrations, and ample time in the lab that you won’t find in any other educational setting.

  • E.L.I.T.E. Skills Training:  Train with master instructors and customize the course to your individual goals by selecting what procedures you want to focus on for the hands-on cadaver lab. Transform your skills with the personalized instruction AANA courses are known for. Attendees will leave inspired and equipped with tips and pearls to apply in the operating room for years to come.
  • Resident and Fellow Courses: Learn from arthroscopic thought leaders and participate in roundtable challenges, essential motor skills review and hands-on cadaver lab training. Each course covers multiple joints for a robust introduction to arthroscopy.
  • AANA/SOMOS Course: Engage in training dedicated to optimizing care of the military athlete. This course is for SOMOS Members only.
  • Copernicus Initiative for Proficiency Based Progression (PBP) Training: Take part in this advanced training approach where the trainee must acquire and demonstrate basic skill sets before progressing on to more advanced techniques.

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