Annual Report
AANA Membership Continues to Grow with
Nearly 6,000 Members!
■ 1,750 Active
■ 826 Associate
■ 642 Candidate
■ 540 Emeritus
■ 554 International
■ 1,564 Resident/Fellow
■ 32 Senior
■ 14 Allied Health
■ 53 Honorary
5,975 Total Membership
+3.3% Growth!
Representing 78 countries
Residents & Fellows
Residents and Fellows have FREE membership to support them during the early stages of their orthopaedic journey.
2023 Residents and Fellows census: 1,564, a +6.8% increase
Membership by Joint Specialty
*This chart represents members primary and secondary joint specialty choices.
Annual Meeting continues to grow seeing approximately 1,000 surgeon attendees in 2023! What sets the AANA Annual Meeting apart from other orthopaedic meetings is the advanced and quality content, meaningful networking connections and more. AANA23 featured diversified content touching on every joint including biologics, and mixed presentation mediums to ensure audience engagement.
Why AANA23?
44.3% attend for advanced and innovative arthroscopic content
55.7% attend to earn CME, participate in networking and other engaging aspects of the meeting!

Who attended AANA23?
Attendees by joint specialty:
45.8% Shoulder
32.9% Knee
8.6% General/Sports Med
7.3% Hip
5.4% Other
Attendees by employment setting:
26.6% Academic
24.8% Large Group
15.6% Hospital
7.3% Independent
2.8% Military
11.5% Other (research, resident, fellowship, no resp)
11.4% Small Group
Attendees by years in practice:
13.6% 1-5 years
26% 6-14 years
38% 15+
13.9% Currently in training
8.5% Other/retired/blank
AANA is constantly adding engaging content to its existing offerings
and uses its innovative lens to produce new content that members will
find value in. The end result impacts members' knowledge of the latest concepts and techniques so they never approach the operating room unprepared.
Total of Unique Users | Total CME claimed |
2021: 497 |
2021: 2,035.75 |
2022: 642 | 2022: 3,002.25 |
2023: 1,189 | 2023: 8,500.25 |
Why is AANA Online Education so popular in 2023? The Netflix-style subscription, +CME, is the answer! Instead of buying each individual program a la carte, users can purchase a subscription which gives them access to ALL of the online education programs – no additional costs! Learn more how to get your education as easily as your Netflix shows:
Top five most popular courses
- AOSSM/AANA Specialty Day 2020
- Comprehensive Arthroscopy Self-Examination 2021 (V6)
- Arthroscopy Self-Assessment Program(ASAP): Multi-Joint(V5)
- Management of the "Irreparable" Rotator Cuff Tear Without G
Newly launched content in 2023
- Advanced Procedure Specific Lab Course
- International Partnered Webinars
- AOSSM partnered webinar on Private Equity
- Journal CME
Webinar Wednesdays
- Hip Arthroscopy
- Revision ACLR
- Private Equity: A 2023 Update (AANA/AOSSM)
- AANA/SLARD: Shoulder Instability: Thinking Out of the Box and Unusual Cases
- AANA/AEA: How to Solve Rotational Instability in ACL Revision Surgery
- AANA/AGA: Across the Atlantic American and European Insights on Patellar Instability
- AANA/AGA: Across the Atlantic American and European Insights on All Things Biceps Tendon

AANA prioritizes collaboration and relationship building. Through collaborative work with other societies AANA offers a variety of rich education opportunities throughout the year. AANA appreciates the partnership fostered over the years and looks forward to growing together.
- AANA/ASPETAR: A World Cup of Arthroscopy
- AAOS/AANA/AOSSM 23rd Annual Sports Medicine Course
- AANA/Biologic Association Specialty Day 2023
- AANA/ISAKOS Symposium at the ISAKOS 2023 Congress
- AANA/SLARD: Shoulder Instability: Thinking Out of the Box and Unusual Cases
- AANA/AEA: How to Solve Rotational Instability in ACL Revision Surgery
- AANA/AGA: Across the Atlantic American and European Insights on Patellar Instability
- AANA/AGA: Across the Atlantic, American and European Insights on All Things Biceps Tendon
- AANA/AOSSM Webinar - Private Equity: A 2023 Update
- AANA/SOMOS Knee Lab Course
- AMECRA/SLARD: Complex Knee and Shoulder Repair – En Español! at the 2023 AANA Annual Meeting
- SOMOS: Mastering the Management of the Warrior Athlete at the 2023 AANA Annual Meeting
- ISAKOS: A Global Perspective on Ligament Reconstruction in the Knee at the 2023 AANA Annual Meeting
- ON, AANA/ON Foundation Session: Orthoregeneration on Both Sides of the Ocean at the 2023 AANA Annual Meeting
- Future Scope: DePuy Synthes at the Chicago and Palm Beach Gardens
AANA Lab Courses
286 attendees trained at an AANA Lab Course in 2023
Lab Course Titles:
Joints Covered:

AANA launches innovative approach to individualized advanced skills training.
- Milestone in orthopaedic skills acquisition training
- Unique educational offering that set a new standard for surgical training
- Unrivaled opportunity to master complex procedures
- World-class faculty unlike any other lab course
The AANA Advanced Procedure-Specific Surgical Experience for the Knee and Shoulder
On October 20-22, 2023 at the Orthopaedic Learning Center in Rosemont, IL there was a paradigm-shift in surgical skills acquisition with AANA leading the way to a more innovative approach. The three-day course provided participants a fully individualized learning experience to master complex procedures over three lab sessions, each 4.5 hours, under the tutelage of world-class surgeons.
- Sold out course with extensive waitlist!
- 60+ procedures to select from including, Scope-Assisted Lower Trapezius Transfer, the Bridge-Enhanced ACL Repair, Trochleopasty, Arthroscopically-Assisted Reconstruction of the Glenoid with Distal Tibial Allograft, Open and Arthroscopic Latarjet, State-of-the-Art Re-surfacing with Auto and Allografts, All-Inside Quadriceps ACL Reconstruction, Reverse Total Shoulder to name a few
- 9 Industry-sponsored demonstrations
- All-star faculty comprised of multiple AANA Past Presidents
- 18 concurrent sessions allowing the attendee to focus on “Building Your Own Lab Course Adventure”
- 3 Procedure-specific lab sessions, totaling more than 13 hours of hands-on lab time
Read more about this highly personalized lab course:
“The course was indicative of AANA’s constant search to improve the acquisition of arthroscopic surgical skills. Our goals were to target a unique and different approach to AANA surgical skills education by recruiting the very best expert master faculty, crafting an advanced and focused curriculum and offering a procedure specific directed approach to learning. This was successfully accomplished and may serve as a future template for improved learning and educational events for AANA. The advanced procedure-specific course was intense and demanding, but those who attended were well rewarded with a notable increase in their surgical skills complemented by enhanced prowess in the state-of-the-art decision making.”
Course Co-Chairs, Rick Ryu, M.D. and Nick Sgaglione, M.D.
Future Scope
Future Scope Feedback:
Happiness Project
The AANA Happiness Project, fueled by Past-AANA President Dr. John Tokish, along with Dr. James Shaha and Dr. Rachel Frank, aims to accumulate quantifiable data from members of the orthopedic community to better gauge their current level of happiness. Initiated in the Spring of 2023, respondents were asked to anonymously reflect on their current overall social, economic, and personal wellbeing, as they relate to their profession. The survey, consisting of 102 questions, has been completed by over 700 members of the Orthopedic community thus far. Examples of questions include:
- How many vacations do you take per year?
- How would you rate your financial stress?
- Days home for dinner per week.
- What is one thing you would change about your job to make you happier?
AANA hopes that the information collected will lead to publication, awareness, and recognition that will support physicians across all fields to better understand their wellbeing. With a target of 1,000 responses, statistical analysis is expected to begin in 2024.
2023 MAST Summit
The Arthroscopy Association of North America (AANA), in collaboration with the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM) and the Society for Military Orthopaedic Surgeons (SOMOS), executed an exciting new $200,000 grant funding opportunity aimed at advancing research in orthopaedics, with special focus on the military and general populations. This grant, funded by the AANA Military Advanced Surgical Training Program (MAST), promises to catalyze substantial progress and significant advancements in orthopaedic treatments and techniques in the following areas:
- Biologics
- Surgical Skills Development
- Return to Sport or Duty
- Patient Reported Outcomes
The event, referred to as the ‘MAST Summit,’ was held on November 4th, 2023, in Denver, CO. All applications were reviewed, discussed, and deliberated on by representatives of the three partner organizations. Applications were received from around the world, with the winner being Dr. Andrew Sheean of the Brook Army Medical Center and his project, entitled ‘Defining the Impact of General Mental Health, Resilience, and Paid Catastrophizing on Return to Duty and Clinical Outcomes After ACL Reconstruction.’ This study seeks to uncover new, modifiable risk factors that predict worse outcomes of ACLR and dimmish the likelihood of parents’ returning to the pre-injury level of activity. This will be the first study of its kind to describe the overall effect of these psychological traits on functional improvement after ACLR. Furthermore, the study has the potential to identify a novel, modifiable risk factor for patients’ inability to return to their pre-injury level of function.
Due to the overwhelming strength of submissions, the three partner associations jointly agreed to fund an additional project from Dr. Patrick K. Mescher of the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, entitled ‘Harnessing Fully Immersive Virtual Reality (FI-VR) for Advanced Arthroscopic Skills Development: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Fellows Performing ACL Reconstruction.’
AANA, along with our partner organizations, are excited to see the contributions, innovations, and advancements within orthopedic surgery, particularly military-based applications, as we look forward to hosting the 2024 MAST Summit
AANA Publications
Arthroscopy – Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery
Nowhere is minimally invasive surgery explained better than Arthroscopy, the leading peer-reviewed journal in the field. Every issue enables you to put into perspective the usefulness of the various emerging arthroscopy techniques. The advantages and disadvantages of these methods – along with their applications in various situations – as discussed in relation to their efficiency, efficacy, and cost-benefit.
Number of submissions: 1,903
Arthroscopy 2022 Impact Factor: 4.7
Arthroscopy #7 of 86 in Orthopaedics, #11 of 87 in Sports Sciences, #22 of 212 in Surgery.
Total print circulation: 3,207
Average monthly website visits: 32,442

Arthroscopy Techniques
This online-only, video-based journal is the companion to Arthroscopy, designed to introduce peer-reviewed surgical modification and techniques in an interactive format. We evaluate submission of Technical Notes – including precise text, clear figures and detailed videos – in an average of 30 days or less.
Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine, and Rehabilitation (ASMAR)
ASMAR is one of two open access companion title to the respected Arthroscopy. It aims to peer review and publish clinical and basic science articles of interest to health care providers and scientific researchers. Brough to you by the same editorial team at Arthroscopy, ASMAR is broad in scope and covers topics ranging from arthroscopy and related surgery to orthopaedic and primary care sports medicine., physical therapy and rehabilitation, athletic training, musculoskeletal imaging, economic and large database analyses, and public health. ASMAR is indexed in PubMed Central and available through Medline search.

Experience Arthroscopy through podcasts. Detailed discussions of an article published in Arthroscopy via author interviews conducted by AANA members have been popular since 2021. These engaging podcasts are designed to expand the listener’s understanding through discussion on unpublished results; examination of interesting or unexpected findings; or exploration of related content.
Most popular downloads by location:
- New York with 1,689 downloads
- Chicago with 1,532 downloads
- Louis with 1,169 downloads
- Los Angeles with 1,044 downloads
Downloaded in 135 countries! Top countries:
- United States
- Japan
- Mexico
- Brazil
- India
The AANA Education Foundation was established in 2007 with the goal of providing arthroscopic surgeons with ongoing support through grants for research and innovation, scholarships for professional education and vital support for AANA’s training programs.
Providing outstanding educational programming through online and in-person hands-on surgical training, assisting Orthopaedic Residents with lab course training to improve surgical skills and a great deal more have all been made possible by donations to the AANA Education Foundation.
Our donors mean a great deal to us. We are honored and privileged to connect with our donors on a level that helps shape the future of arthroscopy and minimally invasive surgery. We thank you for sharing our vision and seeing beyond the scope.
Thank you to these special donors who have designated a major gift to the AANA Education Foundation in life or as part of an estate plan.
$500,000 & Above
- James C. Chow, M.D. & Ada Chow
$100,000 to $499,999
- Jeffrey S. Abrams, M.D. & Kathleen Abrams
- Richard L. Angelo, M.D.,Ph.D. & Marguerite Angelo, Ph.D
- William R. Beach, M.D. & Betsy Beach
- Jack M. Bert, M.D. & Mary Bert
- Kevin F. Bonner, M.D., FAANA, & Cathy Bonner
- Paul E. Caldwell, M.D., FAANA
- Brian J. Cole, M.D., M.B.A., FAANA & Emily Cole
- Alan S. Curtis, M.D., FAANA & Julie Curtis
- Larry D. Field, M.D., FAANA & Cindy Field, M.D.
- Mark H. Getelman, M.D., FAANA & Karen Getelman
- Robert E. Hunter, M.D. & Patti Hunter
- John D. Kelly IV, M.D., FAANA & Marie Kelly
- Louis F. McIntyre, M.D., FAANA & Lizanne O'Toole
- John C. Richmond, M.D. & Chris Richmond
- Benjamin D. Rubin, M.D.
- Jessica "JJ" Ryu, M.D., FAANA
- Richard K.N. Ryu, M.D. & Linda Ryu
- Felix H. "Buddy" Savoie III, M.D. & Amy Savoie
- Nicholas A. Sgaglione, M.D.
- Patrick St. Pierre, M.D.
- James W. Stone, M.D., FAANA & Joan Stone
- Joseph C. Tauro, M.D., FAANA & Janet Tauro
- John M. Tokish, M.D., FAANA & Beth Tokish
- Jerry W. Van Meter, M.D., FAANA
- Nikhil N. Verma, M.D., FAANA & Shaila Verma, M.D.
$50,000 to $99,999
- James C. Esch, M.D.
- Vipool K. Goradia, M.D.
- Peter R. Kurzweil, M.D., FAANA
- James H. Lubowitz, M.D. & Gina M. Papa
- Scott E. Powell, M.D.
- Paul B. Roache, M.D., FAANA
- Thomas S. Samuelson, M.D.
$25,000 to $49,999
- Patrick Eugene Clare, M.D.
- Laura Downes, CAE & Scott Andryk
Up to $24,999
- Laura A. Alberton, M.D., FAANA & Greg M. Alberton, M.D.
- Frederick M. Azar, M.D.
- Bruce E. Baker, M.D.
- Charles A. Bush-Joseph, M.D.
- Frank A. Cordasco, M.D.
- Ray A. Fambrough, M.D.
- Stephen B. Gunther, M.D.
- Stephen W. Houseworth, M.D., FACS
- George S. Mauerman, M.D.
- John F. Meyers, M.D.
- Cheryl J. Rubin, M.D. & Gordon Borteck
- Walter R. Shelton, M.D.
- Peter T. Simonian, M.D., FAANA
- Lawrence Wells, M.D.
The Caspari Society was created to honor AANA Past President Richard B. Caspari, M.D. as a tribute to the pioneers in arthroscopy recognizing those individual donors who have generously contributed a lifetime amount of either $50,000 in cash or $200,000 in legacy gifts to the AANA Education Foundation.
- Jeffrey S. Abrams, M.D. and Kathleen Abrams
- Richard L. Angelo, M.D.,Ph.D. and Marguerite Angelo Ph.D.
- William R. Beach, M.D. and Betsy Beach
- Jack M. Bert, M.D. and Mary Bert
- James P. Bradley, M.D.
- Stephen S. Burkhart, M.D.
- Robert T. Burks, M.D.
- W. Thomas Byrd, M.D.
- Thomas R. Carter, M.D.
- Richard B. Caspari, M.D.* & Judy Caspari
- James C. Chow, M.D. and Ada Chow
- Brian J. Cole, M.D., M.B.A., FAANA and Emily Cole
- Alan S. Curtis, M.D., FAANA and Julie Curtis
- James C. Esch, M.D.
- Larry D. Field, M.D., FAANA and Cindy Field, M.D.
- Mark H. Getelman, M.D., FAANA and Karen Getelman
- Robert E. Hunter, M.D. and Patti Hunter
- Jerome E. Jennings, M.D.
- John D. Kelly IV, M.D., FAANA and Marie Kelly
- William T. Pennington, M.D. and Joann Pennington, P.A.
- Kevin D. Plancher, M.D., M.P.H., FAANA
- Michael E. Pollack, M.D. and Norma Jean Johnson, M.D.
- John C. Richmond, M.D. & Chris Richmond
- Richard K.N. Ryu, M.D. & Linda Ryu
- Felix H. "Buddy" Savoie III, M.D. and Amy Savoie
- Nicholas A. Sgaglione, M.D.
- Stephen J. Snyder, M.D. & Lee Ann Snyder
- Denver T. Stanfield, M.D., FAAOS, FAANA
- James W. Stone, M.D., FAANA and Joan Stone
- Raymond Thal, M.D. and Stacy Thal
- Scott W. Trenhaile, M.D., FAANA
ROBERT W. JACKSON SOCIETY ($25,000 TO $49,999)
The Jackson Society was created in honor of Robert Jackson, M.D. by his peers as a tribute to his advanced vision in arthroscopy and education. This society recognizes individual donors who have generously contributed a lifetime amount totaling $25,000 - $49,999 in cash or have made legacy gift(s) of $100,000 or more to the AANA Education Foundation.
- Alan Barber, M.D.
- Kevin F. Bonner, M.D., FAANA, & Cathy Bonner
- Paul E. Caldwell, M.D., FAANA
- Dilworth Cannon Jr., M.D. & Helga Cannon
- Julie A. Dodds, M.D. & William Humphrey
- Joshua S. Hornstein, M.D. & Jodi Hornstein
- Victor M. Ilizaliturri Jr., M.D.
- Douglas W. Jackson, M.D. & Sandra J. Jackson
- Neil J. Maki, M.D.
- Hal Martin, D.O.
- Leslie S. Matthews, M.D.
- Louis F. McIntyre, M.D., FAANA & Lizanne O'Toole
- Kim Meyers, M.D.
- Keith D. Nord, M.D.
- John S. Rogerson, M.D.
- Benjamin D. Rubin, M.D.
- Cheryl J. Rubin, M.D. & Gordon Borteck
- Jessica "JJ" Ryu, M.D., FAANA
- Walter R. Shelton, M.D.
- Ajoy K. Sinha, M.D. & Madhu Sinha
- Neal C. Small, M.D.
- Patrick St. Pierre, M.D.
- Howard J. Sweeney, M.D.*
- James Patrick Tasto, M.D.
- Joseph C. Tauro, M.D., FAANA & Janet Tauro
- Joe W. Tippett, M.D.
- John M. Tokish, M.D., FAANA & Beth Tokish
- Nikhil N. Verma, M.D., FAANA & Shaila Verma, M.D.
- Eugene M. Wolf, M.D.
Thank you to our 2023 Annual Donors. These donors made a generous monetary donation to the AANA Education Foundation in the 2023 calendar year. We truly appreciate your continued support.
Founders’ Circle ($25,000 & Above)
- Keith D. Nord, M.D.
Presidents’ Circle ($10,000 to $24,999)
- James P. Bradley, M.D.
- Jessica "JJ" Ryu, M.D., FAANA
Directors’ Circle ($5,000 to $9,999)
- Brian J. Cole, M.D., M.B.A., FAANA & Emily Cole
- Mark H. Getelman, M.D., FAANA & Karen Getelman
- Robert E. Hunter, M.D. & Patti Hunter
- William T. Pennington, M.D. & Joann Pennington, P.A.
- Kevin D. Plancher, M.D., M.P.H., FAANA
- James W. Stone, M.D., FAANA & Joan Stone
- Raymond Thal, M.D. & Stacy Thal
Benefactor ($1,000 to $4,999)
- Jeffrey S. Abrams, M.D. & Kathleen Abrams
- Richard L. Angelo, M.D., Ph.D. & Marguerite Angelo Ph.D.
- Thomas R. Carter, M.D.
- William J. Ciccone II, M.D., FAANA
- Jerry L. Cooper, M.D.
- Juliet M. DeCampos, M.D., FAANA
- David T. Dellaero, M.D., FAANA
- Gregory S. DiFelice, M.D.
- Joshua S. Dines, M.D.
- Julie A. Dodds, M.D. & William Humphrey
- Jason L. Dragoo, M.D., FAANA
- James C. Esch, M.D.
- Benjamin R. Graves, M.D.
- Alan M. Hirahara, M.D., F.R.C.S.C.
- Kurt Hofmann, M.D.
- Tamiko Kamimura, M.D., Ph.D., FAANA
- John D. Kelly IV, M.D., FAANA & Marie S. Kelly
- Peter J. Millett, M.D., M.Sc.
- Kevin R. Murray, M.D.
- Nischal Nadig, D.O.
- Shane J. Nho, M.D., M.S.
- Michael J. O'Brien, M.D., FAANA
- Derek F. Papp, M.D.
- Stephan Geoffrey Pill, M.D.
- Michael E. Pollack, M.D. & Norma Jean Johnson, M.D.
- John C. Richmond, M.D. & Chris Richmond
- Paul B. Roache, M.D., FAANA
- Marina Rodriguez, M.D.
- Matthew J. Salzler, M.D., FAANA
- Allston J. Stubbs, IV, M.D., M.B.A.
- John M. Tokish, M.D., FAANA & Beth Tokish
- Scott W. Trenhaile, M.D., FAANA
- Nikhil N. Verma, M.D., FAANA & Shaila Verma, M.D.
- Brian R. Waterman, M.D., FAANA
- Thomas H. Wuerz, M.D., M.Sc.
- Kenneth R. Zaslav, M.D.
Friends (up to $999)
- Stephen P. Abelow, M.D.
- Gerard G. Adler, M.D.
- Alberto G. Aguirre, M.D.
- Laura A. Alberton, M.D., FAANA & Greg M. Alberton, M.D.
- Keith A. Alfieri, M.D.
- Abdulrahman A. Alkrad, M.D.
- Kenneth R. Alleyne, M.D.
- Mahmoud Almasri, M.D.
- Iman Widya Aminata, M.D.
- Marc A. Asselmeier, M.D.
- Andrew T. Assenmacher, M.D.
- James R. Bailey, M.D.
- Benjamin B. Barden, M.D.
- Tito A. Barraez, M.D., FAANA
- Michael J. Battaglia II, M.D.
- Corey Beals, M.D.
- José Luis Beltrán, M.D.
- Christopher V. Bensen, M.D.
- Robert T. Bents, M.D.
- Jeffrey H. Berg, M.D., FAANA
- Troy L. Berg, M.D.
- Robert O. Boatwright, M.D.
- Michael Hayden Boothby, M.D.
- Frederic W. Bost, M.D.
- Shyam Brahmabhatt, M.D.
- David M. Burt, M.D.
- Jourdan Cancienne, M.D.
- Jeffery S. Cantrell, M.D.
- Jordan M. Case, M.D.
- Jorge A. Chahla, M.D., Ph.D.
- Moonjong Chang, M.D.
- Deepak Chaudhary, M.D.
- Brian Chilelli, M.D.
- Bachir Chlala, M.D.
- Eugene P. Christian, M.D.
- Nathaniel P. Cohen, M.D.
- Thomas Krebs Comfort, MD
- Bruce R. Comisar Jr., M.D.
- Jack A. Conoley, M.D.
- Shannon E. Cooke, M.D.
- Joseph J. Czarnecki, M.D.
- Travis J. Dekker, M.D., FAANA
- Peter Francis Deluca, M.D.
- David A. Detrisac, M.D.
- Jonathan F. Dickens, M.D., L.T.C., M.C.
- Arash Dini, M.D.
- Arati M. Dunbar, M.D., FAANA
- Jeffrey C. Easom, D.O.
- Hesham El Sallab, M.D.
- Justen Elbayar, M.D.
- Mosbah Salem Elkhodary, Sr., M.D.
- Faisal Mahmud Elmosrati, M.D.
- Patrick J. Fernicola, M.D.
- Amon T. Ferry, M.D., FAANA
- Thomas H. Flesher, M.D.
- Mark W. Floyd, M.D.
- Timothy C. Galbraith, D.O.
- Calogero Charles Gambino, M.D.
- James R. Gardiner, M.D.
- Michael B. Gerhardt, M.D.
- David J. Gibbons, M.D.
- Oscar Ivan Giles Mazon, M.D.
- Thomas A. Greenwald, M.D.
- Erick Gutierrez-Cota, M.D.
- Joanne Halbrecht, M.D.
- Sharon L. Hame, M.D.
- Andrew Hanflik, M.D.
- Gregory T. Heinen, M.D.
- Fernando Hernandez-Perez, M.D.
- Wendy Heusch, D.O.
- Michael S. Hewitt, M.D.
- Sherwin S.W. Ho, M.D.
- Courtney A. Holland, M.D.
- Michael Howard, M.D.
- Stephen A. Hunt, M.D.
- Lee Hunter, Jr., M.D., M.B.A.
- Andrew Peter Hurvitz, M.D.
- Mark R. Hutchinson, M.D., FAANA
- Christopher Inzerillo, M.D., M.B.A.
- James Jackson, M.D.
- David T. Jones, M.D.
- Dimitr J. Jontschew Sr., M.D.
- Patrick W. Joyner, M.D., M.S.
- Benjamin C. Kam, M.D., M.P.H., FAANA
- Steven R. Kassman, M.D.
- Laura E. Keeling, M.D.
- Robert A. Kelly, M.D.
- Anne M. Kelly, M.D.
- Stephen Koss, M.D.
- Aaron J. Krych, M.D.
- Marc R. Labbe, M.D.
- Drew Lansdown, M.D.
- Jovan R. Laskovski, M.D., FAANA
- Daniel Lee, M.D.
- Mark J. Lemos, M.D.
- Darr W. Leutz, M.D. FAAOS
- Raymond Long, M.D.
- James H. Lubowitz, M.D. & Gina M. Papa
- Christopher MacLaren, D.O., FAOAO
- John C. Macy, M.D., FAANA
- Marco Maiotti, M.D.
- Mike Malek, M.D.
- Konrad Malinowski, Ph.D.
- Nathan A. Mall, M.D.
- Gregory C. Mallo, M.D.
- Peter G. Mangone, M.D.
- William R. Martin, M.D.
- Donald W. Mazur, M.D.
- Moira M. McCarthy, M.D.
- Lucas S. McDonald, M.D., MPHTM
- Anthony McPherron, D.O., M.B.A.
- Steven J. Merkow, M.D.
- Kyong Su Min, M.D.
- Fernando Minchaca, M.D.
- Ronny Valverde Mora, M.D.
- Ralph W. Morales, D.O.
- Matthew R. Moralle, M.D.
- Celio Shigueo Mori, M.D.
- Rosemarie M. Morwessel, M.D.
- Michael J. Moskal, M.D.
- Gregg A. Motz, M.D.
- Mary K. Mulcahey, M.D., FAANA
- Jonathan T. Nassos, M.D.
- Gregg Nicandri, M.D.
- Robert J. Nicoletta, M.D.
- Hideo Noguchi, M.D.
- Frank K. Noojin, III, M.D.
- Thomas J. Noonan, M.D.
- Ward Sayre Oakley Jr., M.D.
- Billy O'Mara
- Kip Owen, M.D.
- Wayne S.O. Palmer, M.D.
- Nirav K. Pandya, M.D.
- David R. Pashman, M.D.
- John P. Peden, M.D.
- Marco Antonio Perez, M.D.
- Eduardo Perez Oliva, M.D.
- Gary G. Poehling, M.D.
- Christopher Pokabla, M.D.
- Martin M. Pomphrey, M.D.
- Charles A. Popkin, M.D.
- Mark Ritter, M.D.
- Alberto R. Rivera Rosado, M.D.
- Steven G. Robbins, M.D.
- Richard Judd Robins, M.D.
- Harold Lynn Rodgers, Jr., M.D.
- Ricardo J. Rodriguez, M.D.
- Luciano Rossi, M.D.
- Charles J. Ruotolo, M.D.
- John (Jack) B. Ryan, M.D.
- Richard K.N. Ryu, M.D. & Linda Ryu
- Stephen C. Saddler, M.D.
- John P. Salvo, M.D.
- Thomas S. Samuelson, M.D.
- Felix "Buddy" Savoie III, M.D. & Amy Savoie
- John Paul Schroeppel, M.D.
- Michael S. Schwartz, M.D.
- Anthony J. Scillia, M.D.
- Elizabeth J. Scott, M.D.
- John Field Scovell, III, M.D.
- Robert A. Sellards, M.D.
- Carl Y. Seon, M.D.
- Joseph M. Sewards, M.D., FAANA
- Saeed Ahmed Shaikh, M.D.
- Lawrence M. Shall, M.D., FAANA
- Kevin J. Shaw, M.D.
- Theodore B. Shybut, M.D., FAANA
- Paul J. Siatczynski, M.D.
- Scott A. Sigman, M.D.
- Michael J. Sileo, M.D.
- David Andrew Simon, M.D., MHA, F.R.C.S.C
- Mark A. Slabaugh, M.D., FAANA
- Harris S. Slone, M.D., FAANA
- Patrick A. Smith, M.D.
- Todd Smith, M.D.
- Jennifer Smith, M.D.
- Antonio H. Soler, M.D.
- Mark A. Sprague, M.D.
- Walter Gales Stanwood, M.D.
- William B. Stetson, M.D.
- Austin Stone, M.D., Ph.D.
- Robert T. Sullivan, M.D.
- Stanley S. Tao, M.D.
- Edward D. Tillett, M.D.
- Michael S. Todd, D.O., FAAOS
- William H. Ulmer Jr., D.O.
- Carlos Ignacio Muñoz Valadez, M.D.
- Miguel Valenzuela, M.D.
- Fernando S. Valero Gonzalez, M.D.
- Luis D. Valladares, M.D.
- Carola F. van Eck, M.D., Ph.D., FAAOS
- Evan E. Vellios, M.D.
- Humberto Verdugo, M.D.
- Francois Vezina, M.D.
- Alexander Volpi, M.D.
- Dean Nichols Walker, M.D.
- Tony S. Wanich, M.D.
- Larry W. Watson, M.D.
- Merrick J. Wetzler, M.D., FAANA
- David M. Woodbury, M.D.
- William B. Workman, M.D.
- James J. York, M.D.
- Alastair S. Younger, M.D., F.R.C.S.C.
- Steven D. Zaretsky, M.D.
- Javier Nicolas Zepeda, M.D.
- Alan L. Zhang, M.D., FAANA
- Mark R. Zunkiewicz, M.D.
- James M. Zurbach, M.D.

ASSETS | Association | Foundation | Total |
Cash and cash equivalents | $835,445 | $640,571 | $1,476,016 |
Investments | $4,969,431 | $12,265,966 | $17,235,396 |
Recievables | $3,492,467 | $1,611,946 | $5,104,412 |
Inventories | $9,227 | $ - | $9,227 |
Prepaid expenses | $373,719 | $2,075 | $375,795 |
Property and equipment | $547,140 | $ - | $547,140 |
Investment - Ortho Properties, LLC | $758,862 | $ - | $758,862 |
Other | $120,732 | $162,735 | $283,171 |
TOTAL ASSETS | $11,704,825 | $16,819,731 | $28,524,556 |
Liabilities and Net Assets
LIABILITIES | Association | Foundation | Total |
Accounts payable and accrued expenses | $2,187,575 | $2,470,539 | $4,658,114 |
Deferred revenues | $1,572,622 | $ - | $1,572,622 |
TOTAL LIABILITIES | $3,760,197 | $2,470,539 | $6,230,736 |
NET ASSETS | $7,346,826 | $12,212,458 | $19,559,284 |
TOTAL NET ASSETS | $11,107,023 | $14,682,997 | $25,790,020 |