AANA's International Collaboration Shines at EGAA and AMECRA Meetings

Posted 6/26/2024


AANA continues to strengthen its international presence and foster global collaboration through active participation in renowned conferences. Our recent engagements at the Egyptian Arthroscopy Association (EGAA) meeting and the Asociación Mexicana de Cirugía Reconstructiva Articular y Artroscopia (AMECRA) conference exemplify our commitment to advancing arthroscopy worldwide.


The EGAA meeting, held from June 4–6, 2024, in Cairo, Egypt, featured a dynamic agenda filled with international speakers discussing the latest advancements in arthroscopic surgery. AANA's presence was highly appreciated, underscoring our role as a global leader in arthroscopy innovation. Attendees were also introduced to opportunities for International Membership and the conference combined rigorous scientific sessions with cultural experiences, including guided tours of the Pyramids and Egypt’s renowned museums. "I found that attending and presenting at the EGAA was a terrific scientific and cultural experience," shared William Ciccone, M.D., FAANA, AANA Education Committee Chair.

At the AMECRA conference, held in Merida, Mexico, on July 13–14, 2024, AANA played a pivotal role in sessions focused on shoulder and knee surgeries. The shoulder session, moderated by Fernando Hernandez-Perez, M.D., included comprehensive discussions on various repair techniques and challenging cases. The knee session, led by Diego Perez Salazar-Marina, M.D., featured debates and procedure-based talks that mirrored AANA’s own meeting structures. These sessions highlighted ingenuity and adaptability, reflective of AANA’s teachings.


Beyond the academic sessions, the AMECRA conference provided enriching cultural experiences, including tours of the Cenotes Hacienda Mucuyché and Chichén Itzá. Faculty dinners hosted by AMECRA President Carlos Gustavo Portillo-Riñas, M.D. facilitated meaningful exchanges about professional practices and personal experiences, fostering deeper connections between AANA and international colleagues.

Our participation in these international meetings not only reinforces AANA’s global impact but also opens new avenues for collaboration and innovation in arthroscopy. AANA will continue to build these valuable relationships and contribute to the advancement of arthroscopy and minimally invasive surgery worldwide.


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